The Levitating Water Experiment…. What’s the secret? #water #science #isitice


What’s Steve doing now? ▻ Other Channels… The Spangler Effect …


  1. For all the people saying there’s a hole at the top and he’s covering it and reducing the pressure, that’s not what’s happening what’s really going on is that he has a piece of screen. Which you can see at the beginning that piece of screen, reduces the pressure by the little holes in it after a couple of seconds all the pressure is let out. Which results in the water failing, well there is a hole which helps reduce it it’s still mainly caused by the screen. If it was because of the hole everyone would be able to do it.

  2. So you're not going to show us the secret science Guy…😂
    you were the same scientists saying that I won't catch or pass on covid if I get vaccinated 😂
    I don't need to know your secrets I already know them all 😎

  3. Very simple put the jar in water first and drill a hole through it when the jars in water you could drill a hole right through it no problem and that’s what he does to keep suction. He has his finger over the hole rewatch the video.


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