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Another big event overshadowed by 9-11; the so called McMillions scandal that the McDonald’s monopoly game had been rigged behind the scenes by some of the guys who were supposed to be printing the game pieces. News of this investigation going on was dropped on 9/10/2001. So it was obviously quickly overshadowed. It’s a super complex story and scam, so I encourage anyone interested to check it out.
Pretty much everything that happened in 2020 and 2021 was overshadowed by the COVID pandemic. It's hard to remember much other than pandemic related news from that time.
I am honestly in mere disbelieve that a singer's death gained more traction than a LITERAL GENOCIDE!!!!! But yet again, the US loves it's celebrity drama A LOT….. Still, I feel bad for the victims of the Rwanda Genocide, this really was a horrifying event in the country's history…
In all honesty, the disaster in NS wasn't the only thing overshadowed in Atlantic Canada; multiple major things get overshadowed by the smallest things (Major storms like Ice or Tornados, People Disappearing/Murdered, or all the issues going on in Atlantic Canada),
I just hope someday we are actually looked at, and people realize how much goes on here,
19:47 Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett both died on my father’s birthday. Sadly that day will forever be known as the day Michael Jackson died rather than for anything else such as people’s birthdays. Michael Jackson was also for me the day I started hearing about famous people that I never heard of before until they died. (I was only 9 when Michael Jackson died hence why I hadn’t heard of him before)
I clearly remember the OJ Simpson incident. Everyone was shocked to hear that his estranged wife, Nicole, and friend Ron Goldman had been viciously murdered but it was even more shocking that OJ had anything to do with it. Everyone knew and loved OJ. He was a staple in many American homes, from commentating on NFL match-ups to advertising for rental car companies. The chase was covered all over the television and made people come to the realization he appeared quite guilty in fleeing.
Some of these stories are unbelievable. Imagine the death of Kurt Cobain, election of Nelson and OJ car chase overshadowing a genocide that lasted for 100 days. I believe American news channels did on purpose, their priorities are always biased. Very sad and horrific!
The World Series wasn't overshadowed by the earthquake. The quake was literally part of the series and happened on live broadcast of the game. And the Series helped take people's minds off the disaster when it resumed. They're tied together
I recall celebrating my moving on from fastfood job… We burned my pants (not while wearing them) & set off fireworks… That neighbour mustve hated us… Lol… Didnt see Seinfeld til decade later
in the same week the musician Dio died, other musicians of various rock bands including a member of drowning pool for example, all died. interestingly it was barely discussed that it was the precise mix you'd need to start a new rock band…. a singer, drimmer, keyboard, two guitarists, and a bass player all within 7 to 9 days …
It would be flat out amazing if someone would do a REAL HONEST STORY of what really happen on 9-11. But I guess everyone is too scared in fear of what will be done to them.
As tragic as both deaths were, I’m so glad the one about Groucho Marx and Elvis Priestley was mentioned on this list, because it was the first thing I thought of when I saw the title of this video
I was in that earthquake. I was 11 and sitting in front of the tv a SF Giants fanatic! 5 years later I moved to my dads and was in the LA Northridge quake as well. Everyone panicked, neighbors were outside in pajamas but I was already experienced😂
What other events in history were completely overshadowed by something bigger? Let us know in the comments below.
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Another big event overshadowed by 9-11; the so called McMillions scandal that the McDonald’s monopoly game had been rigged behind the scenes by some of the guys who were supposed to be printing the game pieces. News of this investigation going on was dropped on 9/10/2001. So it was obviously quickly overshadowed. It’s a super complex story and scam, so I encourage anyone interested to check it out.
What a connection between Mother Teresa & Diana, Princess of Wales both passed away. Plus they finally met a months ago in 1999.
Sad that the media in the States over look a genocide to report Cobains death… while the rest of the world focused on it more
5:07 kinda crazy even his daughter was watching the finale
2. Trillion 🤔
Ronald Reagan’s passing took a backseat to the Killdozer incident in Granby Colorado.
How can a finale of a tv show be more important than a person’s death? Frank Sinatra vs. the Seinfeld show. Are you kidding me? 😮
Nice. Must be desperate for content.
lol 2.3 trillion dollars went missing and the evidence blew up right where those records were sealed. Guess where those records were held guys???
Mother Theresa was a terrible person so I'm glad people didn't pay that much attention to her death
Funny how the area that the Pentagon was hit is exactly where the information that Donald Rumsfeld was talking about was kept…
Pretty much everything that happened in 2020 and 2021 was overshadowed by the COVID pandemic. It's hard to remember much other than pandemic related news from that time.
I am honestly in mere disbelieve that a singer's death gained more traction than a LITERAL GENOCIDE!!!!! But yet again, the US loves it's celebrity drama A LOT….. Still, I feel bad for the victims of the Rwanda Genocide, this really was a horrifying event in the country's history…
In all honesty, the disaster in NS wasn't the only thing overshadowed in Atlantic Canada; multiple major things get overshadowed by the smallest things (Major storms like Ice or Tornados, People Disappearing/Murdered, or all the issues going on in Atlantic Canada),
I just hope someday we are actually looked at, and people realize how much goes on here,
July 1969 not June
Just imagine
"Frank Sinatra died… damn….
Turkish coup d'etat of 2016, overshadowed by Nice terrorist attack on the day before
2.3 trillion?!? 9/11 had to be an inside job cause how the fuck you "misplaced" trillions of dollars like that.
19:47 Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett both died on my father’s birthday. Sadly that day will forever be known as the day Michael Jackson died rather than for anything else such as people’s birthdays. Michael Jackson was also for me the day I started hearing about famous people that I never heard of before until they died. (I was only 9 when Michael Jackson died hence why I hadn’t heard of him before)
Hollywood legend Robert Mitchum died July 1st 1997 and his death was overshadowed by bigger star Jimmy Stewart who passed the next day.
How about major events that were overshadowed by the COVID-19 pandemic? The UK left the EU during that time.
I clearly remember the OJ Simpson incident. Everyone was shocked to hear that his estranged wife, Nicole, and friend Ron Goldman had been viciously murdered but it was even more shocking that OJ had anything to do with it. Everyone knew and loved OJ. He was a staple in many American homes, from commentating on NFL match-ups to advertising for rental car companies. The chase was covered all over the television and made people come to the realization he appeared quite guilty in fleeing.
In Australia, Black Saturday was not overshadowed by the global financial crisis. We couldn't give an eff what was going on in America.
Although the recession of 2008 was in the news , I definitely remember the bush fires in Australia back then.
The title is incomplete. They meant to say in the United States.
Some of these stories are unbelievable. Imagine the death of Kurt Cobain, election of Nelson and OJ car chase overshadowing a genocide that lasted for 100 days. I believe American news channels did on purpose, their priorities are always biased. Very sad and horrific!
Mother Theresa was a monster! Seriously, great woman SHE WAS NOT!!!!!
The World Series wasn't overshadowed by the earthquake. The quake was literally part of the series and happened on live broadcast of the game. And the Series helped take people's minds off the disaster when it resumed. They're tied together
I recall celebrating my moving on from fastfood job… We burned my pants (not while wearing them) & set off fireworks… That neighbour mustve hated us… Lol… Didnt see Seinfeld til decade later
My day of birth: overshadowed by Reality😅
in the same week the musician Dio died, other musicians of various rock bands including a member of drowning pool for example, all died. interestingly it was barely discussed that it was the precise mix you'd need to start a new rock band…. a singer, drimmer, keyboard, two guitarists, and a bass player all within 7 to 9 days …
killdozer overshadowed by the death of Reagan
Funny- I guess my history classes were wrong. I was taught that the moon landing was July 20th, 1969. This video says it was June 20th.,
John Fairfax has the best quote "I think what I have done was not easy". Good lad.
#5: Diana memorial, Candle in The Wind. Mother Theresa, Sandals in The Bin
My birthday was overshadow by anything and everything
Everyone in my family remembers OJ in the white bronco because it happened the same day my parents got married lol
When Farrah Fawcett got to heaven, she asked God to keep all the children of the world safe. So he took Michael Jackson too.
Christina grimmies murder overshadowed by pulse nightclub shooting
Because of Hurricane Wilma, I didn't know until several years later that Rosa Parks died on October 24, 2005
The biggest was missed. The deaths of Lewis and Huxley was overshadowed by the murder of Kennedy
It would be flat out amazing if someone would do a REAL HONEST STORY of what really happen on 9-11. But I guess everyone is too scared in fear of what will be done to them.
As tragic as both deaths were, I’m so glad the one about Groucho Marx and Elvis Priestley was mentioned on this list, because it was the first thing I thought of when I saw the title of this video
“One small step for man” happened on July 20th, 1969.. not June 20th as implied
May 16, 1990: The death of Sammy Davis Jr. overshadowed by the death of Jim Henson.
I was in that earthquake. I was 11 and sitting in front of the tv a SF Giants fanatic! 5 years later I moved to my dads and was in the LA Northridge quake as well. Everyone panicked, neighbors were outside in pajamas but I was already experienced😂
May 18, 1980. Joy Division's Ian Curtis took his own life.
Overshadowed by: Mount St Helens eruption.
I guess I was in the minority by not watching the finale of one of the most annoying TV shows ever.