The description of A.I. can be described as the Higgs Field Condensate itself. I think of the Higgs Field Condensate as a membrane with gradient density variation. I've noted that magnetars have high Higgs Field Condensate density at their core. E=M^2 can be described as a disturbance in the Higgs Field. People with YouTube awards tell lies.
Imagine if space was opaque like the ocean. Let’s say we could still feel the heat from the sun, but we just couldn’t see it. Now that would be scary
2. If AI learns how to make money with the stock market without fail, but only the big tech companies like Google, Microsoft, and Open AI have access to it, that will put everyone else at such a disadvantage.
Dislike how many ads you allow during your video. Also dislike how you force viewers to click on your video thus activating said ads. I used to watch and thoroughly enjoy all your videos. Not anymore.
Your channel is my favorite way to keep up with the tide of discoveries science keeps finding. It's also the safest, least distracting and saddening news in these times.
I know I can't thank you enough for everything you do here. ❤
Great. First we got Murder Hornets, now we have Bender Hornets. Bite my shiny chitin stinger!
Don't "just trust" an LLM for anything important! Always confirm, because the LLM has no skin in the game if it screws up. Preferably, make it explain its thinking step by step. If every step makes sense and the answer is still wrong, paradoxes do exist, and you'd probably forgive a human for stepping on one — the first time. It would be nice if there was a simple way to tell an LLM "No answer is far preferable to a wrong answer".
I really appreciate you JMG. Great voice, great info and no cringey promotions. Genuine high value channel. Thank you sir i hope you have a wonderful life!
I need a varied playlist but I'm not satisfied with the large variety of playlist you provide as I can either choose to listen to a bunch of videos on a specific topic or go to a larger playlist with most of ur vids but then when I randomize I get hit with lower quality older vids Sorry man but can you please do a couple 1 hour videos ss
Thank you. Amazing voice, not sure if AI at some point, but would love to train AI to read books in this voice for me… except for not dropping the tone at the end of a sentence to mark a dot… but it is tolerable, unlike other science videos I watched…
JMG: i did get to chat once with MK, after Beetle, & before Batman, & he's a really quirky guy ! 😅 Thanks for 'The Founders,' & you might like him as the 'good-cop,' in 'Jackie Browne,' by Tarrantino. It's not sci-fi, but is a funny story. 🙂
Regards Beetlejuice 2. it doesn't have the the magic of the original and Monica's character is sorely underused but it's a lot better than most of what is made now.
The description of A.I. can be described as the Higgs Field Condensate itself.
I think of the Higgs Field Condensate as a membrane with gradient density variation.
I've noted that magnetars have high Higgs Field Condensate density at their core.
E=M^2 can be described as a disturbance in the Higgs Field. People with YouTube awards tell lies.
I wanted to see the sink holes 😢
“I will refrain from saying beetlejuice anymore in this video” -proceeds to say Beetlejuice a bunch of a times”
2 things.
Imagine if space was opaque like the ocean. Let’s say we could still feel the heat from the sun, but we just couldn’t see it. Now that would be scary
2. If AI learns how to make money with the stock market without fail, but only the big tech companies like Google, Microsoft, and Open AI have access to it, that will put everyone else at such a disadvantage.
I think that would push me over the edge
I just want someone to come up with a cure for stupidity.
I like this channel than event horizon. Your voice is awesome and you present so well. You seem like a cool person. 💪
Beetlejuice x3!
Water planets suddenly change: Ice-9
Im the hornet
Dislike how many ads you allow during your video. Also dislike how you force viewers to click on your video thus activating said ads. I used to watch and thoroughly enjoy all your videos. Not anymore.
Who funded that hornet study? What a wild concept….let's see how drunk we can get bugs? I got so many questions
Man… just daydreaming about how I'll know I've made it as a scientist if JMG ever covers one of my papers. One can dream.
Love the Beetlejuice reference 💯
Sea monkey's
loved the first movie.. second one was good.
Your channel is my favorite way to keep up with the tide of discoveries science keeps finding. It's also the safest, least distracting and saddening news in these times.
I know I can't thank you enough for everything you do here. ❤
Dinosaurs did NOT evolve into birds. Read your bible.
i didnt really enjoy the new beetlejuice. Turned off halfway through.
Great. First we got Murder Hornets, now we have Bender Hornets. Bite my shiny chitin stinger!
Don't "just trust" an LLM for anything important! Always confirm, because the LLM has no skin in the game if it screws up. Preferably, make it explain its thinking step by step. If every step makes sense and the answer is still wrong, paradoxes do exist, and you'd probably forgive a human for stepping on one — the first time. It would be nice if there was a simple way to tell an LLM "No answer is far preferable to a wrong answer".
Remember creation,in our image ,who do robots look like !!!
The asteroid at 15:47 looks like the space jockey.
…in which we liiiiiiiive
I really appreciate you JMG. Great voice, great info and no cringey promotions. Genuine high value channel. Thank you sir i hope you have a wonderful life!
I like the 2010 connection you put in there, one of my favorite movies
Is the image at 9:35 a CGI rendering? I assume so.
And in that case, is it accurate to other data collected?
Wild Randy is REAL!!!!
I send my love
The ability to manufacture batteries on mars is exciting
I need a varied playlist but I'm not satisfied with the large variety of playlist you provide as I can either choose to listen to a bunch of videos on a specific topic or go to a larger playlist with most of ur vids but then when I randomize I get hit with lower quality older vids
Sorry man but can you please do a couple 1 hour videos ss
New beetle juice — don’t bother!
Thank you. Amazing voice, not sure if AI at some point, but would love to train AI to read books in this voice for me… except for not dropping the tone at the end of a sentence to mark a dot… but it is tolerable, unlike other science videos I watched…
The hornets have a gene that breaks down alcohol…makes me doubt the rest of the material in the video, if you could mangle that concept that badly.
John what do you think of the UAP testimony yesterday?
12:40 goes hard
Its not even halfway thru Nov.. shouldnt this video wait till Dec 1
The new Beetlejuice movie is a steaming pile of horse manure, and you will be bitterly disappointed if you watch it.
-Idk, Ganymede seems ok to me
-how could it be ok if it's askew?!
JMG: i did get to chat once with MK, after Beetle, & before Batman, & he's a really quirky guy ! 😅 Thanks for 'The Founders,' & you might like him as the 'good-cop,' in 'Jackie Browne,' by Tarrantino. It's not sci-fi, but is a funny story. 🙂
So when is the John Michael Godier Death Metal Experience’s first album gonna drop???
This battery should maybe also work here, if we can scale up the graphene production?
Regards Beetlejuice 2. it doesn't have the the magic of the original and Monica's character is sorely underused but it's a lot better than most of what is made now.