Various forms of motorsport are passionately followed around the globe, and the top of the game is Formula 1 – a high-speed battle between drivers and teams featuring some of the best-designed vehicles on this planet.
Despite the impressive speeds and engineering of their machines, race automobile drivers sometimes do this fought against the stereotype that they aren’t truly elite athletes. However, the recent emergence of television series similar to Drive to Survive has given the general public an insight into the demands of driving in Formula 1.
Formula 1 drivers: elite athletes?
Drivers make a precise assessment of the situation in a fraction of a second, driving at speeds of up to 300 kilometers per hour. At all times, drivers must think about the track, their opponents and the feedback provided by the radio or steering wheel.
As vehicles developed, so did drivers. Nowadays, drivers are considered athletes who must undergo enormous preparation and training to make sure that their physical and mental abilities are up to the duty. increasingly larger limits their machines and environmental requirements.
What forces are Formula 1 drivers exposed to?
During a typical race, Formula 1 drivers are subjected to, amongst others: a barrage of physical and mental demands that test their strength, endurance and fortitude at high speeds.
The driver is required to not only have enough strength to perform tasks, but in addition be stable enough to withstand gravitational forces (G-force) acting in many various directions.
When cornering and braking, drivers experience forces exceeding 5G. In addition, each press of the brake pedal requires a force of 600 to 700 Newtons, which corresponds to a complete load of 57,940 kg over a 90-minute race (based on 14 corners and 58 laps of the Albert Park track in Melbourne). .
But when something goes mistaken, the forces under which drivers are exposed are much more extreme. During an accident, drivers may experience braking forces of up to 100G]
As you’ll be able to imagine, such forces create an incredible amount of strain the motive force’s head and neck.
The forces experienced by Formula 1 drivers are comparable to those of military pilots. Not surprisingly, this may end up in neck and back pain or loss of peripheral vision (often called grayscale) when the forces are sustained for long periods of time. longer period.
Fortunately, F1 drivers aren’t normally subjected to long-term G-force stress. On the contrary, they are repeatedly put to the test in the shape of acceleration, deceleration and cornering.
To combat the results of these forces, drivers train their torso and neck strength against heavy loads to find a way to counteract the forces pulling the top and neck across the cockpit. Drivers also train their very own Aerobic capability to help deal with these demands, which causes high heart rate and physiological stress.
I’m trying to beat the warmth
In addition to the incredible forces that athlete drivers experience, so can the temperature within the cabin exceed 50°Cand excessive heat generated by the vehicle (through the proximity of the transmission and engine to the motive force) due to convective heat transfer may end up in greater than 3% weight reduction in the course of the race.
Therefore, drivers must ensure proper hydration to maintain health, safety and performance. This process is made tougher by the required safety equipment – in accordance with Art Guidelines of the International Automobile Federationdrivers must wear fire-resistant shoes, outer and underwear, balaclavas, gloves and helmets that limit their ability to cool through evaporation and convection.
Every kilogram counts
In preparation for these ever-increasing demands, F1 drivers maintain a really low body fat percentage (around 8%) compared to IndyCar drivers (around 17%) and maintain higher levels of fitness than their IndyCar and NASCAR counterparts, allowing them to meet the demands of the necessities vehicle design.
So are F1 drivers normally stronger and more powerful than their counterparts from other racing series.
Due to the demands of the F1 racing calendar, drivers must get essentially the most bang for his or her buck through the use of effective training methods that improve strength, power and fitness.
Nutritionally, they should eat a balanced weight loss program that maintains weight and optimal body composition in order that they do not change into too heavy or large for the limited space within the cockpit.
What else do drivers need to do to prepare?
Of course, racing at speeds in excess of 300 km per hour with millimeters between rivals requires greater than just strength, fitness and fearlessness. Controlling a machine pushed to its limits requires considerable skill.
In addition to athletics, F1 drivers develop skills from a young age and typically progress from kart driving to an elite level.
So it isn’t just a few fast automobile and the fitness and strength to control it – when you want to change into an elite, top-class driver, you furthermore mght need years of practice and dedication to the art of driving.