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Acid beers have change into a everlasting element of the microbrowarian menu and shelves within the warehouse. They like their tart, complex flavors, but some may require long and sophisticated brewing processes.
Researchers reporting in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Strengthened latest sour in a shorter time using a seemingly strange ingredient: field peas. Experimental beers had fruit-not “beans”-and other attributes comparable to industrial sour acid sour within the Belgian style, but with shorter, simpler brewing steps.
“A sour beer is an alternative to beer enthusiasts for champagne. Using peas from peas, which yeast cannot metabolize, we promote the growth of bacteria necessary for the production of acid beer, “says Bjørg Westereng, one among the authors of the study.
The characteristic taste of sour beer comes from acids produced by bacteria producing lactic acid (laboratory) or Brettanomyces yeast, which is added by breweries or naturally introduced from the environment. However, these microorganisms often require months and even years to ferment the unique sweet, steep liquid (wort) into the specified drink.
So Westereng, Philipp Garbers, Catrin Tyl and colleagues were on the lookout for sugars going beyond those that are in traditional grains so that the laboratory could speed up the fermentation process.
Earlier they tried molecules from wood. But this time they turned to a gaggle of plants called impulses, which incorporates beans, lentils and peas.
Impulses were historically unused mainly due to their tendency to convey food flavors. But they’re considered balanced and straightforward to grow and contain sugars about oligosaccharides with refinery (rfos), which the laboratory can easily use as a source of food.
In latest research, the team brewed acidic beers from RFO separated from off -road peas and compared the tip product with the sour acidic acidic trade.
Using three different laboratories, scientists have brewed 4 experimental acid beers: two from RFO RFOS in the sphere and two without. All 4 were fermented for 19 days with Brettanomyces Clausennii with laboratory mixtures. After chemical evaluation and evaluation by a trained sensory panel, the band discovered that beers brewed using RFO extract were:
- More milk acids, ethanol and fruit compounds that drive the taste than brewed beer without rfos.
- Fruit flavors, more sour tastes and better total taste intensity than beers made without rfo, but the full intensity of taste comparable to industrial beer.
- No trace of unwanted beans flavors.
Despite the short fermentation time, the laboratory devoured all RFOs, leaving no detectable traces in any of the experimental beers. This is significant because RFOs may cause gastrointestinal problems for some people.
Scientists hope that this work shows how impulses and RFOs might be included in beer beer, and the ingredients based on peas might be related to products that taste good.
More information:
Refinery oligosaccharides from peas as a brand new ingredient to speed up the production of acid beer, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2025). DOI: 10.1021/ACS.JAFC.4c06748
Quote: Speed Up Sour Beer Brewing sugars, scientists discover (2025, 5 February) on February 5, 2025 with beer.html
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